Friday, December 18, 2009

Hello from Paris

Katherine and I have the ability to bring unusual weather with us: we're in Paris just in time for some very early snowfall. Not that I'm complaining, it's absolutely beautiful. Take a look. Of course it would have been a good idea to bring the proper hardware to post my own personal pictures, but I will just have to rely on Le Monde.

I will keep this brief since I'm using a French keyboard, which is tougher to use than I ever would have imagined. I hope the photos above whet your appetites for the much better visuals I have recorded.


  1. So glad you included the link to pictures of Paris in the snow!! It must be magical to be there at a time like that. Especially for a snow lover like Katherine!

    Never having been to Paris, I was enthralled with the pictures, it is just like I would have imagined it.

    Keep up the great communications!

  2. Hey...the first photo on the link you gave (man & woman kissing on the street) looks just like you and Katherine!

    It sounds glad to hear from you!
